One of the reasons, that Christians live a mediocre life is because they belief mediocre is where they should be. Because of the condition that we have been in, we have never seen the possibility or the vision that the life that we live, can be dramatically different to the one our family, or our friends has lived or are living.
You may
find in the world that there are a few rich people, then there is a whole chunk
of average folks, and then mountains of poor people in the world, and across
the board there does not appear to be a distinction between if they are Christians or not, I
would even dare to say, it would even appear that there are more secular super rich
people than there are Christian super rich people! This is alarming, because this
shouldn’t be the case. We Christians have all of heavenly blessings. (eph 1:3 whereas the non Christians don't have this) However most Christians don’t manifest it. The reality of so little Christian prospering, leads most Christians
to the false belief that "God blesses a selected few financially to be prosperous, but not to
most", and in regards to how he choose whom to be prosperous, he may choose Christians or Non-Christians, as from observation, we do not see an exceeding amount of rich Christians over that of non Christian. And more so than this, we don't see "Spiritual" Christians being more prosperous than others.
It is because of the belief that "God selected only a few to be prosperous", that is the reason why most Christians do not go after prosperity the way
God intended us to. Underlying deep in our belief system, We have taken on a lie that God might intended us NOT to prosper. You see the reason why some people prosper more than others may
they be Christian or not, is not because God chose those to be prosper over others, but it is because they have gained knowledge, understanding
and wisdom to the rules of finance, and they walked according to those
laws, this is the reason they are prospering. May they be Bill Gates or the Godfather.
The believe
that God has selected only a few to be rich, keeps people in mediocrity, and be
content with lack (“content” in a negative way, ie bounded, but cannot do
anything about it). They are not motivated to search out how finances works,
because they have taken on the perspective that people are rich because of fate,
God choose those people to be rich and that is why they are rich. Now because they have experienced living in the
average historically, and also see the people
around them doing the same, they have taken on the belief that they were not
the chosen ones to be rich. And as such
do not seek knowledge, understanding and wisdom as to WHY they need to be prosperous, and also do not seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding as to HOW they are to manifest prosperity. It is the ungodly belief that they are predestined to be mediocre, that keeps them in mediocre.
If I belief God does prosper me, Will it mean I will be able to be as rich as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet?
The answer is YES, but also No. Because the prosperity of God, is dependent also on some basic laws that are in operation in this world.
God's prosperity is promise based, and those promises in order to manifest, needs to be executed by faith in those promises. In order to prosper, you need to know what he said about you prospering, and how you are to prosper. 1) In the bible, you will read that he blesses what you put your hands to (Deut 28). If you do not put your hands to do anything, 100 x zero = ZERO. You need to work with what you have. 2) the process of, Seed, Time, Harvest will always applies. So in order for the things that is in your hands to become fruitful, there will be a process of planting seeds, a stage of growth, before fruit/harvest comes.
God's prosperity is promise based, and those promises in order to manifest, needs to be executed by faith in those promises. In order to prosper, you need to know what he said about you prospering, and how you are to prosper. 1) In the bible, you will read that he blesses what you put your hands to (Deut 28). If you do not put your hands to do anything, 100 x zero = ZERO. You need to work with what you have. 2) the process of, Seed, Time, Harvest will always applies. So in order for the things that is in your hands to become fruitful, there will be a process of planting seeds, a stage of growth, before fruit/harvest comes.
Lets look at this from a practical sense. and we choose Bill Gates as an example, only because most people know who he is and what he does. If Bill Gates never spent his time in the computer room in the early years of his life, he will not have what he has got. He needed to apply himself and learn the skill sets that he has got and continues to get, in order for him to continue to grow in prosperity.
secondly, Bill Gates' Microsoft is not at where it is now, back when it was pumping out MS-DOS. There are generations of products, repeated cycles of planting seeds, developing the product, and then harvest that happened along the way, to grow Microsoft to where it is today.
Yes you "can" be as prosperous as Bill Gates, however the principle of seed TIME harvest still applies. if you have limited TIME, by logic, you will have less Seed Time Harvest Cycles. So even if you have the best idea, if you are 99. there may be limited harvest cycles left. The size of your harvest is also dependent on the seed that you have placed. Less seed, less harvest, more seed more harvest. And how much seed you have, is also dependent on previous harvests that you have. We have to understand the path of wealth is a journey and a growth process, it is not a one time thing. Bill Gates is much further on his way in the marathon of wealth, than others if they are just starting off.
Also, prosperity is limited by the law and gov't of the land. At places where there is limited possibility to apply yourself, say in present day Cuba. The political system does not allow you to prosper to the same degree as where laws allow you the freedom to prosper. Think of people during times of war. there basically is not a legal, stable structure that allows prosperity to securely increase.
But how come the secular people are doing so much better in the game of wealth? Apart from the above factors, It has to do with vision. If you do not have a vision to be wealthy. you won't be wealthy. If you do not have vision to be extremely wealthy, you won't be extremely wealthy. If you have no vision to be the most wealthy in the world you won't be that either. Our vision limits us, and defines us as to where we can go, and where we will go. Most people are stuck in mediocre, it is because we have a mediocre mindset. If we can have a vision of what God say is possible, and gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom. We will start moving forward in the abundant life that Jesus spoke to us about.