Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Praying for the US Election 2020

During this US election season, I was praying for the US that a particular administration would be elected. Searching within, I am asking God, what am I actually doing and how does it work? What does praying for one administration really mean? What does praying to God  for anything for that matter looks like?

So exploring down this route, the idea of praying for something, looks a little bit like this. When I was praying to God about the election, I was basically saying to God and asking of him to supernaturally arrange for the outcome of the election.

But how could this even work? Are we asking God to rig the outcome of an election? In order to do so, He will need to violate people’s will. Which if we looked, throughout the history and records in the bible, is not something that God does, or theoretically can do. So if God can’t change the will of the people, he can’t change the outcome of the election (unless he cheats and turns in some fake votes supernaturally).  So when we are asking God to intervene in the election, then these intercessionary prayers are really a waste of time, and misleading.

So if God can’t change the results, does that mean we shouldn’t pray about it? For whatever will be will be?

Well no, Jesus told us in the Lord’s prayer that we should pray that “His will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10). We need to look at what this really means in the context of an earthly system that is under the control of man. As many may understand (I will have another blog on this topic), God is NOT in absolute control in what happens on earth. Otherwise he would not have asked us to pray for “His will to be done on earth”. His will is followed absolutely in heaven. (hence “as it is in heaven”) but on earth, his will is not fully followed, because man don’t fully follow God.

So when Jesus asked us to pray, Say in the context of the US election? What did he want us to talk to God about?


I think there are lots of things going on in the Election backdrop. What we firstly want to understand is Which party would God vote for, what will be the Father’s will? You may think well, if God was here he wouldn’t vote for any of these guys! That probably is true, but again God doesn’t have full control at the moment on earth, we as the body of Christ only has certain options to choose from. We look back in the Old Testament, this was the same during the time of Egypt, Babylon, Persia with  Joseph, Mordecai, Daniel, Nehemiah all of them served under nations which were not the “chosen” nation of Israel. Yet they chose to perform their duties to the best of their ability under those administrations, and surely there are some administrations that are better than others, and there are some which are more evil than others, so which party you support do in fact count.

So ask God about which is the right party to Support. Do the research,

Understand what the parties represent and what are their policies? How good are they in keeping what they promised? I have never heard a Politian give out a policy that doesn’t appeal to at least a segment of the audience, however these policies needs to be weighted into the workings with other policies, does it practically make sense? For example, in our local state election, LNP has a $300 “Car Rego” rebate, if we voted for them and they win. Yes, $300 rebate sounds great! But how does that look on the Government’s budget? How is the government going to pay for this, is it sustainable? and what are their other policies if they win? So one must study in details what the policy is offering from a practical sense, as well as a biblical moral sense. This takes work, time and takes effort. But if we put God’s kingdom first, this should take priority over watching TV dramas.



Once understood what God wants, takes action to do our part in enforcing the results of the Kingdom. Vote! If you truly believe it is God’s will and you are doing what God wants, then inform others who are probably uninformed, tell others why you are voting the way you are, why you feel this is Godly. A lot of people are voting out of some false premises or are viewing things through a particular narrative. Until shown an alternative, will think they have the correct perspective. So be proactive in sharing why you vote who you vote, and understand the issues others may have that’s contrary to what you say, they may have a legitimate reason, and if correct, you may want to have the party address it. Be influencers. We are called to be world changers, to change for the better.


Pray for wisdom and strategies, as to how you can play a part in influencing others to take on what is right. Because If you “should”, then you “must”. For thing that are blatantly against God. Speak confusion to the enemy. We see this time and time again, that the enemy that came against God, when facing Israel started attacking each other. In the same way, we pray for confusion to t he evil plans of the enemy that it will not succeed.

The votes are in, what else can you do?

Pray for the correct outcome. As God would not rig the votes, we pray that the correct votes are actually counted, that there are no counterfeits, fraud, and unfair conduct. God is a God that plays by the rules, and so should we. If there are misconduct, pray to God again for insight and wisdom, and also for other’s to spot the misconduct and bring it to light. The devil is the one who lies, steal, kills and destroys. Pray that there are revelations as to what those lies are and strategy to expose them to the light. Prayer for the operatives, who were involved, to come up and come clean if things were done wrong, again people do wrong because they have been lied to, Adam didn’t intentionally rebelled against God, he was deceived. He believed in a lie.

What if the other side wins!

Choices has consequences, our peers choices impacts us, our government’s choices impacts us, and their policy will impact us. If the administration that you chose did not come into power, pray for the leadership of the party in power to have wisdom in enforcing beneficial policies, and scrap the ones that are no good. At the same time, know that there is another election in 48 months. It is not the end of the world, and if it is, thank God we know where we are going! So don’t be stuck in fear. Be in faith, Pray to God, asking for insights, Wisdom, Strategy, and take action and to be an influencer.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Reading the bible during a Crisis?

In times of Crisis, Christians turns to God for strength, directions and insights. They pick up the bible and wants to read and hear what God has to speak to them about. I tried doing this many times during times of difficulties, yet I rarely see anything that gives me directions that is specific related to the problem or the issue at hand.

And I asked God, Why is it that you don’t speak to me via your word? Why are you not speaking to me about the issues that I am dealing with. And I was reading Luke 11:28.

 But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:28

The verse Jesus says, The Blessing comes when we heard the word, but we need to keep it. The word “keep” can be talking about “keeping” in terms of actions, (ie keeping the law, keeping the Sabbath), but also “keeping” can mean in treasuring and preserving it. So when we are just reading the word in the times of crisis, we maybe reading from the page we last read, or some people flip open the bible like a lottery, and see if something divine will happen.  When we do that, we are not actually keeping the word, we are focusing on the problem, looking to the word as a word search looking for answers. At that moment most of us are just glossing over the word and have not studied or esteem the word, which causes you to be fully persuaded of the power that worketh in us.   

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 TIm 2:15

I am generalizing the above of course, as I have done that many a times myself. If you already have the context of what God said about a certain thing, and you are going in to study that topic or the verse to get a deeper revelation, this is different, and is is part of "keeping" the word.    

The word of God is not an instant super soldier serum 
Reading the word of God, it is like training for war, You don’t try and learn the word of God in the middle of trouble, just like you wouldn’t go learn how to shoot a rifle in the middle of the battle. If you are not trained up before the fight, then you have to use what little you got in the fight, but most probably you won’t be using anything that you are unfamiliar with. Soldiers are trained before they are sent off. They are not looking at the manual in the heat of the cross fires.

So reading the bible on a routine basis, allows us to be equipped with the arsenals that God has for us, for different times and over different challenges. Reading the bible, should not be viewed as a thing we HAVE to do, and you set yourself a routine of reading 3 chapters a day and you are hoping it is over ASAP because you got real fires to fight, but it should be viewed as a time of equipping, getting to know our commander and chief, understanding the battle, the enemy and our position as the body of Christ on earth. It is also a time to spend with the father, to understand his heart. As the word of God gives us proper perspective of the world, it will provide context to the things that is happening around us, and also allows us to take position and use our authorities as the spirit filled man, to make the right choices, and be material in facing challenges that is in front of us.

23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. 24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:23-24

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The offering of Cain and Abel


Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. 3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. 4 And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Gen 4:2-5


Why did God looked with favor on Abel’s offering vs that of Cains?


Some people belief God likes animal sacrifice more than that of produces. So God looked with favor on Abel’s offering. But can this be the determining factor? Some people belief the “fat offering of the flock” maybe a type and shadow of the ultimate lamb, so maybe God favored this more than the fruits offering to demonstrate a point? These can be true, and yet if were to be the only reasons, it limits our perspective as to what God desires, because if it is true, instead of just giving money as an offering, we should incorporate some sort of animal sacrifice and more preferably lamb sacrifice as God looks with favor on this type of offering. And God doesn’t change.


We also see the bible talking about God delights in obedience over sacrifices, that it is better to obey than sacrifice.


“Has the Lord as great a delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
As in obedience to the voice of the Lord?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice,
And to heed [is better] than the fat of rams.
1 Samuel 15:22


Maybe Abel obeyed God, where as Cain didn’t? That maybe true, but this is in the beginning of time just after the fall. Apart from the initial command to not eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, there was no other recorded command to obey to. There was not even a command on offering.


In Gen 4:2, we see that Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. So as a profession, one grew produce, and one raised flocks. So in context you would think, giving something that they were making would be the right and the fair thing to do. What I am trying to say is, on the flip side, it would be not logical for God to desire of us something that we do not have access to, to give. Ie demand Cain to give his some flocks where he doesn’t have, or Abel to give some fruits which he doesn’t have. So it would be unfair of God to condemn Cain’s offering because it was produce.


So what was wrong with Cain’s offering?

6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Gen 4:6


“If you do what is right?” is quite a strong statement, What was Cain doing that was wrong? Why was his offering not accepted, and why was Abel’s offering accepted? What did Abel do right?


In Genesis, we were unable to find the answer as to this. However the answer was given in Hebrews.


By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead. Hebrews 11:4


Abel, approached God with an offering that was in faith. Where as Cain’s offering was not offered in faith. So if we look at Hebrews, we see that, it is not about what you offer, but it is about if you did it in Faith.


But the question is what does it mean we offered in faith? In faith of what? And in faith to do what?


This comes back to the reason of an offering. Why did they offer part of their produce or flock to God? What is the reason for doing so? There was no law to do it, there was no suggestion that God required it or even desired it. The offering was something they did as part of their communion with God, it was an expression of worship. Cain and Abel, both worshipped God because that was the right thing to do. Knowing how great God is, they had an understanding that they had an innate need to do something to recognize how great God is.


However, Cain did it out of a heart of duty and obligation, God is great, so there is a need to worship God. So out of obligation and motion Cain responded to that greatness.


And Abel on the other hand, offered not out of obligations, but he did it to bless God, God is great, so I am believing that what I am giving to God, God will like it .


So God approved of Abel’s offering, because Abel believed that God will like what he gives.

Whereas Cain was indifferent to if what he gave was pleasing to God, but he did it because he felt a need to do it.


The difference is Abel’s response was a relational one to God, where as Cain’s response was a mechanical one. Both of them knew God is great, and they were in need to express that.  But God condemn Cain to be wrong in how he related to God, and accepted Abel in how he related to God.



So how does this impact our giving?

When we give, bless our giving, and believe that God is so pleased with whatever we are giving him.  That he is well pleased with whatever it is we are giving him, may this be money, a cent or a billion, our time to serve, or anything that you set aside, separated for God. If you are offering in faith that he likes it. He is well pleased with that! Live life as a constant offering, dedicating and separating your life as an offering that pleases God, As you put faith in your life offering, may you do well or not, God is pleased with you. He is not looking at the lean or fat of the lamb, he is looking to your heart.

Friday, September 11, 2020

9-11 recollections

 Did Nostradamus Really Predict the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks? | Live Science

9-11 recollections

It has been 19 years ago since 9/11. I recall that morning when I was on a business trip with my father, I was leaving the NY hotel, taking a taxi at 6:00 in the morning heading towards the airport. The city was waking up, and the morning light was about to break. The taxi went by the Twin towers, and I thought, it would be nice going up to the observatory deck next time I am in town.

Roll time forward, 3 hours after that, I landed in Boston, and was told by the taxi driver that a plane flew into one of the towers. It must have been 8:50am or so. As we walked into the Hotel lobby, everybody has their eyes glued onto the TV, as we see footage of the 1st plane flying into the tower one. As everybody was dumbfound, looking at the TV in disbelieve, as if it was a movie that has gone wrong. Moments later we see real life footage of the second plane UA 175 (later found out to be the plane that I was originally booked on) flying into the 2nd tower.

Now as nobody knew how to respond to such graphics, my father and I queued to get ourselves checked in. To our surprise, our name was not found on the register. Feeling a little loss, I decided to call my mom back in Hong Kong who was the one who booked for us. Being guys, (my father and I) it never came across our mind to call home, to say everything was okay. Now this is before the internet days, there is no free internet calls but just IDD and its ROAMING IDD that costs 20 bucks a minute. So the first word that the phone was answered was. MUM DID YOU FORGET TO BOOK US A ROOM!??? Mum obviously was devastates, and started weeping hearing our voice. The reason being, on our itinerary, we were flying out of Boston to LA, on flight UA175. Unaware of this, I continued. “MUM, this is an IDD CALL its really very expensive!”  Did you book our hotel or not???? Ending the call in anger as my mum took an extra 15 seconds to say I am glad you guys are save, which costed me an extra 20 bucks. In the end all was sorted out, as they had the middle name and last name swapped around. We thank God that it was done that way, otherwise I would have never called home. Actually after like an hour of that, it came to my lightning fast mind that I should call my girlfriend (now my wife) to let her know I am okay! (Yes I have grown to be more responsible now)

So God kept me save, by moving my whole schedule one day later because a customer said he needed to see us, and he can’t do it unless we reschedule, so originally I was to fly out of Boston to LA on the 11th, instead my whole trip was shifted one day later, so I flew out form NY to Boston on the 11th, and then supposedly to fly out of Boston to LA on the 12th. (In the end I flew home on the 16th.)  

So I am alive here today, because God made some divine arrangements and changed my schedule., instead of flying into tower 2. I am glad I am alive.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

No deadly thing shall hurt you. Luke 10:19

 Adopting a tarantula: what you need to know | Royal Examiner 

This is a personal testimony, experienced today. I was washing my car in the afternoon, and at the end of the cleaning when I was tiding up, I had this sting in my right thigh. I thought it might have been some hair getting caught and was getting pulled on. Then I had another sting. The initial pain was actually stronger than a tangled hair. So in my mind I though, my God! there might be a spider in my pants, and its biting me!!!  By this time I have had multiple stinging sensations. So I started slapping my leg repetitively in multiple locations hoping I would have killed the spider by my machine gun slaps.  I quickly took off my pants, and then found a dead wasp rolling out of my leg.  (Actually I just slapped it unconscious, after I tried to pick it up to study it, It was actually still alive.) Immediately I took hold of the truth of Luke 10:19.

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy, nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19.

And as God said nothing will harm me. I started commanding my skin to be completely whole, and not be affected by this, according to what the word of God said. I told the pain to go, and I washed my wound with some soap. By this time there were mosquito welt looking thing on my leg, There was 6 of them total near my knee and thigh, Thank God it didn’t go higher!

As I mixed faith into what God said, There is no pain, and no itchiness. For a lack of a better word, it feels like I have not been stung. Its even better than a mosquito bite as that is itchy. This was like normal. And before the hour, the swelling and welts is completely gone.

3 And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat, and fastened on his hand.

4 And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live.

5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. Acts 28:3-6

Whilst this is no snake, I felt that this was a minor episode like that of Paul’s when something poisonous bit him. No harm came to him, because the word of God is truth.

After this episode, I was thinking, if Ella my little daughter was stung, I would have wanted the bites to be on me rather than on her. And God told me, that’s how he feels about us getting sick and hurt. And that is the reason, Jesus took our sickness and infirmities, our pain and hurt away from us at the whipping post.

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 1 Peter 2:24

Jesus was whipped so that the scriptures could be fulfilled, that by him being whipped, all our sickness and pain He has paid for, just like our sins are paid for at the cross.  As sickness was paid for, this is the reason Peter instead of quoting Isaiah 53:4 word for word, he changed the tense, from “By whose stripes you ARE healed” (Isaiah 53:4) to “By whose stripes you WERE healed.” (1 peter 2:24)


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Labour of Rest

 How to Prepare and Cultivate Land for Farming

11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Hebrews 4:11

We are told to "labour into his rest" in Hebrews 4:11. It sounds like an oxymoron. You have to "Labour" which is active, but it is into the "Rest" which basically is inactive. How does one actively do something inactive, and expect a result?

To understand the full context of the verse, we need to look back starting from Hebrews 3:9.

The context is, the people of Israel did not enter into the rest of God, which was symbolized by the promise land. The promise land was where it was flowing with milk and honey. And they did not enter it, because they were in unbelief that God will give them the victory. They saw the giants, and they did not esteem to the pillar of cloud and fire. They were in unbelief about the power of God to make good what he said.

When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years. 11 So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest. Hebrews 3:9,11.

They did not enter into the promised providence of God, because they did not belief that God had the intention or the means to put them into the promise land.
Just a reflection, we need to ask ourselves, do we belief God’s intention of good things for our life? and then secondly do we belief he can pull it off?


So what is the “Rest” of God?

Is it just the peace that is above our understanding? That is part of it, but it includes much more than this, as it has more practical applications than we think, it is not just an emotional disposition. Let’s unpack this from the symbolic of the Promise Land. When the Israelites entered into the promise land, the fields were already flowing with milk and honey, and had clusters of grapes that needed 2 man to carry (numbers 13). They didn’t need to build hives, raise cows, and plant grapes, this was all already there, when they were to go occupy, they inherit what is already there. They don’t need to labour to get these.

Lets look at how the writer of Hebrew expressed it.

4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.5 And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest .Hebrews 4:4-5


It was the same rest, that God had after he has FINISHED all his work at creation. God ceased to have an active creation plan, but is at rest, where his already established order and law is working and producing. Adam didn’t need to plant in order to reap, he harvest that which God has already set in motion.

So how does this show us what we are to do when we enter into the Rest of God?

In the same way, that the promise land was already built up to produce and the Garden of Eden was already fruit filled. In the rest of God, things are already provided for. In contrast, we are not there to build the hives, raise the cows, and plant the vines, these are already provided for. We just enjoy what God has already provided for.

So how does the “Labour” part work?

It is a “labour”, because it is counter intuitive.  It is going against the curse of “by the sweat of our brow we will eat”. Gen 3:19. Man being historically under the curse from Adam’s time. Man has understood in order to eat, we need to labour the cursed ground. What that means is, we need to work hard, in order to get little, because the ground is cursed.

For us to enter into the rest of God, which is a place of providence, we need to labour, “work hard” in the renewal of our mind, renewing to what God said and has already done, and mix faith to what he had said he has already done.

2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. Hebrews 4:2-3

So what does this look like in the practical? When faced with a situation, labour to make the decision that God has got this, and whilst things may not look clear, and a 1,000 things can go wrong. Trust in God that those 1,000 bad things won’t happen, and whatever the hurdle is, God has already got a solution lined up, and is available, because Jesus had it finished.

Remember the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. In all our situation, if we look only at the physical, from what we see, feel, hear and smell, we are not seeing the holistic picture of the real world, where things seen are framed by the things unseen.  And by only esteeming the physical and making decisions based on that, we are not approaching life with a full deck.

Does that mean, we seat back and relax, and all things will be merry and things will be automatic? No, because that is an inaccurate picture of rest. Rest is not being frozen, or you walking around, and a grape will fly to your mouth, you still need to take “action” to put the grape in your mouth. However at rest, you take action to reap what Jesus has sown, and receive what God has already given in Jesus. At rest, you are in communion with God, and the holy spirit will show you the right things to take action on.

The reality of the Rest of God, is very much active and available today, there is a process of transformation of our mind to be able to perceive it. But it is the position that God wants us to be in, at Rest. And his every intention is for us to enjoy this rest.





Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The wisdom of Solomon

1 Kings 3:7-12

7 “Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. 8 Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. 9 So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 

I have always incorrectly understood that the Young Solomon, has received supernatural wisdom and information from God, and since the incident, his mind just miraculously changed, and instead of having an average IQ, since God has blessed him, went on to have Steroid IQ from that day forth.

However, when studying upon the word of God, We find that it was actually not so. If you look in Chapter 2, when David was passing on the kingdom to him. David said twice (vs 6 and 8) in the short 8 verses that was recorded, that Solomon you are a wise man, and do it according to your wisdom. So Solomon has demonstrated that he was wise prior to God’s promise.

So what did Solomon ask for exactly? give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.

discerning, in the Hebrew is “Shama H8085”, it was to “hear, consider, discern, give ear, understand” and the particular focus was to govern the people, knowing what is right and wrong in God’s eyes. And the Lord responded by giving him that HEART. not mind. It was the HEART, it was a wise heart and an understanding heart, it was a mindset to seek the perspectives of God, and be observant of all the things around him.

29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. 

What God gave Solomon was NOT exceedingly great knowledge, or supernatural knowledge into things, but it was an observant heart, and a heart that is able to see in context those information and be able to apply to the situation, actions from which God would do. So in contrary to what I used to belief. Solomon’s wisdom was not a sudden access to knowledge, or a download of things that he would not have known in the natural, but was an observant heart to hear and apply the ways of God. Solomon acquired knowledge like anyone today acquires knowledge. He studied and learned them, and made knowledge available to him. Check out 1 Kings 4:33.

33 Also he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree of Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of animals, of birds, of creeping things, and of fish.

Solomon was a zealous learner. He even studied the hyssop that grew out of the wall. Looked at the way ants lived, observed birds can fly even thought they are heavier than air.

So how does Solomon’s wisdom applies to us today? We need to know “wisdom” spoken of was NOT a supernatural download of “information”, but it is an ability to be observant, one that seeks God on how he would do things?

So Godly Wisdom is the ability given to process the information in God’s perspective. HOWEVER we need to be seeking Knowledge in order to have information for the wisdom of God inside us to process them to make good judgement.

Proverbs: 18:15 the heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.

Proverbs 15:14 The discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly.

As children of God, we must be avid learners. Because the discerning heart is limited by the knowledge that he has to discern. Now learning is not just about reading a book or gathering information (it does include that), but it is about being observant.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly and it will be given to him.

The wisdom of Solomon, the discerning heart is available to all of us, who are in Christ. We have the mind of Christ, and knows all things, we have this in our spirit, and for us to manifest this, it is expressed through the building blocks of our knowledge. Without those building blocks. The discerning heart is ineffective.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Jesus preach the law, and the law preached fully. (Matthew 5:17-30)

 Sermon on the Mount - Bible Verses & Meaning

I was doing a bible study this week with my home group, and we were doing Matt 5. Here Jesus taught on the Law. I would like to unpack a little bit of what Jesus is saying, by contrasting what he is saying and what he is not saying.

Matt 5:17-18

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.         

The reason why Jesus is saying this, is because in his days on earth, according to the perspective of the Jews, he was breaking a lot of the Mosaic laws, such as working on the Sabbath, touching lepers, associating with prostitutes and sinners,  as he was doing this constantly, some people were with the misunderstanding that he was here to demolish and put away the law. However Jesus is saying, no, the law is not going away, and I am here not to destroy the law, but to fulfill the law. (meaning he was here to fulfill the prophecy of the prophets that he is the messiah, the savior, and he came to fully fill the requirements of the law on your behalf)

The correct standard of the Law

Then he preached what the standard of the law should be, and that is, to even think of something, you have already committed the crime.

So the question is why did Jesus tell us this? When you read that passage what do you think Jesus is saying to you?

Some people belief that, God wants to show you his standard, so that you know what it is, and by the holy spirit, you go and keep the law.  If you are of this belief, then you must also read how Jesus suggests you to fulfill this.

29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.  Matt 5:29-30

Jesus is telling you, in order to avoid committing sin per God’s standard; the easiest way is to cut out the body part so that you cannot be tempted. If we were truly to do that, basically we need to kill ourselves! As all parts of our body will be susceptible to sin. Jesus can’t be saying that right!!? This has to be hyperbola!?  Well he did say it. And He means exactly that.

You may say; “nobody can do this!” It is impossible to live life this way, because before the end of the day, you would have chopped up your body.

If you feel that it is impossible to do this, then you have gotten to the conclusion that Jesus wanted you to get to. Jesus is saying, no one can be made righteous by the law. People have totally misunderstood the purpose of the law. The law was not given so that we can be close to God by being a good or better person. The law’s main purpose was to show us our inability to keep the law, and we need a savior. It was not given so that we can have a relationship with God through the law.

Romans 7:13

Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. 

If you are to try and relate to God through adhering to the law, you will find that sin will take that opportunity and through the law become exceedingly sinful in your life. For without the law, sin was dead, however because of the law, sin has taken the opportunity and was made a live.

21 Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. Gal 3:21

Further reading on Romans 7, Romans 3, Galatians 3, will further elaborate the point for the reason of the Law.

So is Jesus saying we don’t need to obey the law?

Jesus is saying you have NO ability to obey the law in you flesh. You are not able to have a relationship with God based on your ability to obey the law. It is a dead end. The law is given to you not for the reason so you can keep it, It was given to tell you “You cannot keep it. This cannot be done! You need a savior!”  Jesus summarizes later on in the chapter, God wants you to be Perfect, his kind of perfect (Matt 5:48). You are not able to attain this by keeping the law. You can see this is the same message that he spoke to the rich young ruler, when he responded to the questions of “ What must I DO to inherit eternal life?” Luke 18:13-23.  Jesus is demanding the impossible. Because it is impossible to do this. The righteousness of God, needs to be imputed. Relationship with the Father comes through one thing. And that is belief in the Son. Faith in Jesus is the only way to the father, and that way is 100% sufficient.

It is not believing in the Son, so that by the holy spirit, you can do good, and according to the level of goodness, you increase your relationship with God.   It is Jesus, and his Righteousness alone, that is the ONLY basis of your relationship with God. It is JESUS plus NOTHING. Not Jesus sets you up so you can be a better man. Jesus didn’t come to help you to be more righteous in order to relate to God. Jesus came so that He can put his righteous in those whom believes.  This is what believing Jesus is about, it is to belief that he has imputed his righteousness in you. You are forever perfect in front of God. Now and forever. Even if you sin along the way. Because you appear in front of the father not because of your performance, but because of Jesus’s performance imputed on to you. This is the good news of Jesus Christ.


So we don’t need to obey the law?

YES! (but wait, there is more). We don’t need to obey the law to RELATE to God, for we are no longer under the law of sin and death, as we are under the law of the spirit of life ( Rom 8:2). God and the Holy Spirit doesn’t condemn you when you commit sin, because Jesus has removed your sins, however your consciousness will condemn you, and it will make you want to be further away from God. But wait read on.

So we don’t need to obey the law?

NO! Whilst God will not judge you by your obedience to the Law, however the people around you will. For you to function in the world, if you do not obey the law, you won’t be able to relate to people correctly in this world. If you think you can stay in adultery and still be able to have a good relationship with your wife, you are deceived, God still sees you perfect, because he relates to you based on the imputed righteousness of God , and not your performance. However your wife relates to you based on your performance, and so does your boss, your neighbour, the police, and the tax man. 



Friday, August 7, 2020

John 9:1-4 Born Blind for the Glory!


John 9:1-3

And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.


Without context, people see these verses and incorrectly concludes that God being sovereign does stuff in incomprehensible way, so that it brings glory to him. This all derives from a wrong understanding of who God is, and the nature of God.

A lot of people understands the above verse as saying, God made this man blind from birth so that when Jesus walks by, and sees him, will then heal him to demonstrate the power of God, to bring glory to God and make people believe.

The problem with this interpretation which is, Whilst in the grand scheme of things, God has a master plan that fulfils an ultimate purpose, and in that ultimate purpose there are people who are more lucky than others and there will be some that is less fortunate.  All these events just completes the grand screenplay that God has written. This sounds all of for story, however if you are that blind man, or his parents, that must have been the most unfortunate thing that could happen, and what is worst you can do nothing about it, because God has made it that way.

I used to think, I am having the life I am having because God somehow has a will for me, or a destiny for me to go through trials, for a greater purpose. When misfortune happens, I accounted it to God, like I would account this blind man being blind to the plans of God. This leaves us in a passive state of accepting lack and infirmity as part of a greater purpose, part of God’s master plan. And more specific God’s will for your life.

However when we say this, we are saying God the father will willingly allow his kids to be blind, then later fix him to show people how great and powerful he is. Try changing the narrative, hypothetically let us say in today’s world there is a Dad that has invented a medicine that can heal blindness. In order to show the world how great this medicine can work. He takes his just born child and plugs his eyes out. Lets him live for 30 years blind, so that people know that his son is blind and makes no mistakes of it. Then heals his son, so that the world could witness how great an inventor he is. This definitely demonstrates the power of his medicine, but it also demonstrates how evil his heart is.

When we say God made the man blind, in order to manifest his glory. We are saying God is all powerful and heals, but at the same time we are speaking so much underneath, that God is unjust and a cold hearted God. This is not our God, God didn’t make the man blind to show us his glory. Let us explore what the scripture actually says.

The disciples asked, “is it this man’s sin or his parents sins that made this man born blind?” And Jesus answered “NEITHER!” It was not his sinful action or thoughts (he was blind when he was born), nor was it his parents personal sin. Jesus didn’t address in this instance what was the cause, but we know from the Old Testament that death came because of sin, and the world was cursed with it. So if one was to chase back to the defects, sickness and infirmities that are in this world, Adam’s incorrect decision was the cause. So what does “ but that the works of God should be made manifest in him”? It is not saying the God made the person blind from birth, so that today God can manifest his power in Jesus to show the world.

Lets read further

John 9:4-5

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.


It is saying BECAUSE this man IS blind, the sozo works of God must be done on this man. Vs 4, I (jesus) must work the works of him (the FATHER, and his will) who sent me. I must heal this man.  While it is day, (whilst I am here) The night cometh (when I won’t be here) and no man can work in those days (his death and burial). Vs 5, As long as I am in the world, I am the light that manifests the will and the power of the father.

God didn’t design this man to be blind, this man was born blind because of the fallen world, however Jesus demonstrated the will of the father, and that is to heal the blind, not to make them blind. Jesus is saying, when we see people who are oppressed by sickness, we are to set them free.

With Jesus being away, Who now is the light of the world? We need to manifest not just the power of God, which is so necessary, but we are to manifest the heart of the loving father, it is with the goodness of God that people change their heart. This is the message, it is about God loving us, and wanting us to be well, and abundant, in this life and the one to come.


Monday, February 24, 2020

The Blessing

Most people thinks when people say "you are blessed". It is talking about God having a special favour on you, and your life is smooth, you have wealth, you have health you have great relationships and things are just going well for you. This certainly is the attributes of a blessed man. However this doesn't define if you are blessed or not. This is only the expression, or the manifestation, or the fruits of a blessed man.

In the same way, if you are experiencing poverty, sickness, and you have bad relationships with people, and things are falling apart. This doesn't mean you are necessarily cursed, however this may indicate that you have not understood how blessing works, and hence have not put faith and action into manifesting those blessings.

Most people don't feel they are cursed, but in the same light, they don't feel they are particularly blessed either. They live in a place call mediocre, thinking this is the norm, the correct. Like Marionette from Miraculous says "Just a normal girl, living a normal life". They feel God choose and pick the ones he blesses, and maybe if you pray enough, ask him enough, he may bless you too.

The truth is, Yes God does blesses people. We see in the old testament, God Blessed Abraham, God Blessed Noah, God bless OBed-Edom, God Blessed David, and a whole bunch of people. And because these people are blessed, and at the same time we see some people that are not. We think this is how God works. That he blesses some and not others, if we obey enough, or we do the right thing we are blessed like them, and some times God just blesses some more than others, and it is the norm.

However the apostle Paul tells us in the book of Ephesians that God HAD blessed the church with ALL spiritual blessings. (Eph 1:3). It means that everybody who believes in Jesus are already blessed!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: Eph 1:3

But I don't feel blessed? I feel I am actually cursed! The reason that you feel cursed is because you have placed your situation and the circumstances that you are going through above the word of God. And you have defined your position of blessing or curses based on the things that is happening to you. However you are blessed, not because you feel it or don't feel it, you are blessed because God's word which describes and defines the truth has already been said about you. For you to experience the blessing or to manifest the blessing on this world, you need to put faith in what the Word of God had already said. Agree and belief it, even in the midst of your troubles, by putting faith in the word of God that you are already blessed, you start to pull out what you have in the spiritual and it starts to manifest in the physical in time.

That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Phil 1:6

Exercise your pray inline with your blessing. because you are blessed, when you see lack, you curse it and you speak supply in that area, when there is sickness you command that to be healed. The word of God is true, and as such the blessing will manifest, their maybe a time element to this, as described in the principle that the word of God works like a seed, (mark 4) there is seed, time then harvest. 

When you have a paradigm shift from being someone who is waiting for God to bless you or am waiting for a greater blessing to come, and until that time you are not blessed, and changing that to the correct paradigm, that I am already blessed, hence I have the innate power to change the world for the better, because the blessing inside me enables me to do it.  Your earthly life will start to follow to what you already have in the Spiritual.