Thursday, January 1, 2015

God's Will on Healing (Isaiah 55:8-11)

The 1st mindset which I would like to address is the notion of

"God sometimes heals, and sometimes not. its up to his will, and his way is higher than my way." 

8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My ways higher than your ways,And My thoughts than your thoughts. 10 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there,But water the earth,And make it bring forth and bud,That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void,But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.Isaiah 55:8-11

The above notion of God heals and he heals not, its up to him, initially sounds really good, and with a bible scripture that looks to say that His way are higher than our way, kinds of seals this with a fulls stop.

Well fulls stop until you think it through. How does this passage reflects what Pleases God? Or in fact how does it reflects the "Will" of God at all? Is the passage saying it shall accomplishes whatever He pleases, and refers more to how he operates, but does not reference at all to what pleases God.

Where am I trying to get at? Well I think in all things, as a Christian, you would agree you would want to do things that are inline with the "will" of God. I don't think there is much disagreement here. So in regards to all things, we must look for the will of God, or what pleases God.

The life of Jesus, the expressed will of God

When we are looking for the will of God, in my christian walk, I had rarely looked to the life of Christ for inspiration. I mean after all, he was on the earth 2000+ years ago, He lived in a different social context, but more so, He is God himself. We are kind of not on the same page. He has a direct line to the Father which is available to the son, and the son only. Well that's what I thought initially. But when we study the bible. The picture that God is trying to say to us is in fact very different. Lets look at it from a few different angles. Yes, Jesus was God. So what he does actually reflects what God "wills". So think this through with a "if you are in his shoes" type of a deal. You are God, you are faithful and never changing, and as you are no hypocrite, you do what you say, and say what you do, you do what you believe, and you believe in what you do. So the life of Jesus is the expressed will of the Trinity. But some may say, Jesus whilst was fully God was fully man also, he is limited by his earthly body, so he might not understand completely what the father does. (I am not saying that this is the case or not the case, but in case that this is the case). We read in the bible, that Jesus does not do his own will, but the will of the father, The son does not do nothing of himself. So the association here is, Jesus does the will of the Father,  and as such, if you look at what he did, you should find what is the will of the father. Makes sense?

For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.

Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.
John 5:19

So What did Jesus do?

15 But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew from there. And great multitudes[a]followed Him, and He healed them all. 
Matt 12:15

If we saw the life of Jesus, We saw that about 2/3 of it that was written was about him healing people, teaching people, and then healing more people. if we look at John 6:38, we see that Jesus does God's will. It would be logical to conclude that on the topic of healing. Jesus heals, because it is the father's will to heal. 

Did he heal all?

Okay, Okay, I think there is no dispute here that at times we see God's will is to heal, his name is Jehovah Rapha. Meaning Jehovah the one who heals, But is it true that he wants to heal everybody!!! there are so many people that are not healed. 

This is what got me, Jesus healed everybody that came to him seeking for healing. check out the below scriptures. 

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
Matt 14:14

Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them. 
Matt 15:30

He healed, them, was not he healed some of them, or most of them, he healed THEM. THEM That are sick. This struck me, because I didn’t think Jesus healed everybody, (well everybody that went to him). in my mind, I didn’t focus on this point, and has naturally assumed that he must have healed some only to prove his identity. But the bible is actually clear on this, if you read the word in detail. This is profound. Think of it. everybody that went to him got healed. it sounds nuts, but if you think about it, its actually more logical than you think. Imagine the lame man, hopping to see Jesus, he gets in front of  Jesus and says, "Lord, have mercy on me, heal me and make me whole" Okay, what is Jesus going to say to that? Nope sorry today its not your day? I mean what can he say? He literally can't turn the man down, because of who HE is. it makes sense right?

lets paint a picture..

We do not know how big a “multitude” was in the bible. But it wasn’t a few people. So at Jesus time, Jesus the man of God, was a rabbi, walking around teaching people, and doing signs and wonders, healing the sick casting out demons, so a group of people started following him, because he delivers. So within these people, some were sick, some were friends of the sick, like the dude being carried down from the roof. But a small guess of multitude would be a hundred+ people, but a “Great Multitude” should be talking much larger numbers. and in that Jesus healed them all.

So where am I trying to get to with this? This is the point. If Jesus did the will of the father, and what he did was healed everybody that went to him, then based on this premises, God’s will is to heal ALL that went to him for healing.

To strengthen my stance on this, check out the below scriptures.

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 
Colossians 1:15

Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
Hebrew 1:3

If we want to know what God’s will is, and what nature he is, we have been praying and asking God for his will, or to reveal himself, this is all a less superior way. If we see the truth of the above scripture. The key to understand God’s will is, is to look to Jesus the Christ, the expressed image of his (God)’s person, the expression of his Will, his Nature, as Jesus and the father are one. This has a much bigger implication than that of healing alone. It is how we are to know God. I will write another post on this topic, the nature of God. All of the revelation and understanding of God, from the bible, our everyday experience, and other people’s experience is all through the lens and the perception of man, and as such, it is limited, but more so it can be just wrong.  The only true representation of God, and who he is, is in the person of Jesus Christ, he is the only guy who ever lived, who has a clear understanding of the father, and he himself said, if you have seen me, you have seen the father. anything other than that of what Jesus is. is not a correct understanding of God.

God our Father and his nature

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Matthew 7:9-11

establishing that the will of God is to heal all who goes to him. I want to explore apart from the will of God, (God’s intentions.) I want to go deeper and ask, Why does God heal? And this is to understand who God is, and at the same time who God is not. The revelation that Jesus bought to the Jews when he was on earth was. Guys, God wants to relates to us. As Father and son. This is the reason Jesus in the Lord’s pray, say “Our father in heaven”, meaning God the father relates to Jesus as that of the father, and we he shares this same privilege with us now. You will ask Wooh Wooh, wait a minute. That makes Jesus our brother? That can’t be right!!?? He is too holy, we are too sinful! But look at scripture, and you will see that, that’s How Jesus relates to us, if you don’t accept it, its your intention, its not biblical and its not God. Dwell on this a little, as if we are the children of God, and it is not one of a badge on a name tag, but our identity. 

Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me."
Matt 28:10

Going back to God our father. This tells us so much about what is going on. God loves us. We don’t understand what this means, because we base our relationship with others, using our version or understanding of Love, its all conditional. But God’s love is unconditional. But it is the closest thing God’s can illustrate on this point. Parental love, is probably the most powerful love we can associate with. All Parents love their children, and they want their best. So God goes to demonstrate, if your child comes up to you, and ask you for bread or fish, you would give it to them, and not give them something that is bad to hurt them. (ie a snake, scorpion) This is absolutely understandable across the board, irrespective of culture, religion, demographics. So imagine this hypothetical scenario. You daughter comes to you the parent, and she has cancer, she asks you for some money to go get medical help. Will you as a parent give her the money if you have it? You will borrow money to give to her if you have to right? This is the heart of a father/mother. Now imagine same scenario, the daughter approaches the parent, and say, I know you have the money, but mum/dad, are you willing to give me the money to get me healed? As the parent, you might think, what have I done wrong that my child will question my intention and motive? This is exactly what we are doing to God. When we say, God I know you are able to heal, but I don’t know if you are willing. The body of Christ at large, question on God’s will to heal, but never doubted his ability. 

Listen to this, as the parent will feel sad that his/her child will even think that they won’t be willing to help them. Father God is feeling sad, when we believe God can heal, but we don't blieve that he is willing to heal.

During the last 2 years, I have started to understand who God really is. He is a good God, he is my father, the one who loves me and cares for me, he has my best interest on the top of his list. If you think through the above, you will know that throughout history, God has been misrepresented. The Devil has deceived us, the devil actually has limited resources, his most used trick is that of deception, and he pulls you away from God’s providence by introducing doubts of God’s character, goodness and love. This is what tricked Eve. God wants us well. He wants us whole, and his take on healing, is like that of Salvation, he wants none to perish, he wants all to be well. The price is paid, Jesus died, he became a curse for us, He was nailed for our sins, and he went through being whipped so that in this life we get our healing. NOW!.

If you are in need of healing. Feel free to comment on below. I have seen so many manifestation of God’s healing to be true, I can help you to receive the healing, but more importantly is that you get a revelation for yourself of the truth in this, because once you see it. There is no going back. You will see God in an absolute new light, and you will find that it is in God’s goodness, that leads people to repentance.

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