Friday, April 29, 2016


Luke 12:15-46
The world system works on sowing and reaping, this is a biblical principle and when you think about it, it is a miracle in itself. Inside every seed there is a grand design that it will reproduce what is written inside its DNA to do. A corn when it lands on the ground, with a mixture of water, will start to grow. It is alive! And it takes on energy from light, takes up nutrients from the earth, and in time it will produce a 100 folds of that seed. Who started all this? And Why? It was God, whom from the very beginning of creation, laid out this master plan! And why? Because he loves his creatures, and provides for them.

15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15

In luke 12:15, we read that, we should not covet, we shouldn’t seek to hoard and greed over things. Because the idea to be greedy and store up things for yourself was not in the initial design. When God created Adam, Adam actually has all. All that on the earth was his, the riches of the world belonged to him. So imagine the not fallen world, with all of Adam’s children. They had no need for clothes, they had no need for food, they just pick what they wanted to eat from the fruits of the land. This was the original design. Fast forward that to a “unfallen” now, where there are a billion people. What would have the world looked like? It would have been the same, as there were still ample supply. People can just pick fruits that they wanted to eat. There is no need for storage, there is no need to hoard anything. Because its available. Think about if you live near a river. Do you need to think about storing up water? Think about your home now, you have a tap, do you store up bucket loads of water in your home? You don’t because you know you have access. There is unlimited supply.

24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Luke 12:24

Luke 12:24, Jesus was explaining the exact principle to the crowd. That we have access, we have supply. Consider the birds, they don’t sow nor reap, they don’t have barns or storehouses, but God feed them, it was a design from the very beginning, and how much more it is for man, who was given the dominion of this earth, and holder of the affection of the creator, who relates to us as the father to his son. For the Christian, we are the sons of God.

28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith! Luke 12:28

Luke 12:28 brings in to a concluding part of this portion of the message, and it is profound. “O ye of little faith”. Why does “faith” got anything to do with it? We are talking about physical means of providence, why is faith involved? Lets explore this. When we worry about our food and our daily living, what it is saying is, we have placed our faith in the idea, that there is not enough or there is not going to be enough. So what we are saying in our belief is:

1)      God’s design for providence of food doesn’t work. Or,
2)      Or God’s design for food works in the beginning but it is a fallen world, and Adam now has to work the ground to bear fruit. And God doesn’t have the authority or the means to change that. Even if he wants to.
3)      God might have the power to change it, but he doesn’t love us to do it.

But Jesus is telling us otherwise, even in this fallen world, the birds still lives and has food, the hills still looks beautiful even after the fall. And if these lesser creatures, and the hills of the earth by itself, is still under the providence of God. Us the beloved, as Adam, the son of God is much more under the providence of God.

 29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. Luke 12:29 

Luke 12:29, tells us not to seek what we should eat, or what we should drink, and do not be anxious in your mind about these things.  “Anxious mind” in the Greek is “Meteorizo” which is to be doubtful in the mind. It is in effects talking about the same thing as in verse 28. We should not doubt, or be anxious about the providence of God. Not be anxious of God’ providence, not to be anxious of God’s intention, his ability to bring it to pass.

30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. Luke 12:30

Luke 12:30 For all these things, the “Nations of the world” seeks. So here we see that God is drawing a distinction in identity. 1) The nations of the world, and 2) NOT the nations of the world. So Who are the nations of the world, and in context who are NOT the nations of the world, and why? Obviously the distinction is that whom Jesus is speaking to are addressing the “not the nations of the world” and the distinction is that those people are the children of God. “For the Father knows that we have need of these things.”  In context we see that, whilst Jesus is talking to the Israelites, but is not talking to them in their national identity, but in the context of believers and hence children of God. Also refer to vs 46.

31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Luke 12:31

So how does all this providence come? It comes via God’s Kingdom, verse 31 in context, It is not talking about working and toiling for the kingdom as a condition so that all these things shall be added unto you, it is talking about seek to know more of how the kingdom works, study the kingdom, search the kingdom inquire of the kingdom, the kingdom is how all these things are going to come about. What is the kingdom of God? It is the supernatural providence that Jesus operated out of, it is the unlimited providence of the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the multiplication of food to feed thousands, pulling coins out of fish mouth, it is opening of blind eyes, deaf ears, removal of pain, and raising of the dead.

How do we access the kingdom of God? It is through our identity as a citizen of the kingdom, being a son of the king. And we do so by freely accepting the amazing sonship and citizenship that is given to us, by believing Jesus, when he says I am giving these to you. You receive it by believing in what he says. So is the kingdom refrained from us, and hard to access? and only available to a selected few?

32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32

Do we have to jump hoops to gain the favor of God, in order to access the kingdom? NO! vs 32 tells us that it is the Fathers good pleasure to give us the kingdom. Lets elaborate on this, its not just that God has it available for us, and his intentions are neutral. No! He WANTS to feed us with his kingdom, he WANTS us to have it, it is his PLEASURE for us to have it.

45 But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the other servants, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk. Luke 12:45

So does this providence come with the condition that you need to be a good steward? The answer is no and yes. First the No. No you can be a bad steward of this, and still have access to it. Because the kingdom is available to you, and it is God’s good pleasure for you to have access to this. You have access to this because it is a system set up by God, we see in the description in verse 45, you can be a bad steward, beat people below you, eat, drink and be drunk, but nevertheless you are still a steward of the kingdom’s resources. Now on to the Yes part. This providence comes with a responsibility, we who has access to the kingdom has the responsibility to use the resources wisely. Verse 46, The ones who don’t use it wisely, they will have the same portions as the unbelievers. I don’t yet have a revelation as to what this verse means fully, but it is clear that having the portions as the unbeliever is not a good thing! And will update this post as I gain more insight on to this.

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