Saturday, December 13, 2014

Journey 1: it all began when this healing stuff started working (matthew 10:8)

back in 2012, I heard this guy by the name of Bill Johnson, who happened to drop by in one of these "Gathering" / Home Coming event in Hong Kong. I had no idea who he was. But he had a really sweet message, in that he asked whats the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian?  and he started off telling a story which was very refreshing.

There was a pastor on a plane flying back from Africa, and on the plane, God spoke to him, and asked him to pray for the old lady next to her that had a back pain, so he approached the woman, an asked her if she had back pain? and she said yes! how did you know? He goes on explaining he heard from God, and asked if he can pray for her. She kindly said yes, and went on with her business thinking He was going to pray for her kind of when he is back home. So the pastor said " No, No, I mean pray for you get your healing right now". So he did his thing, and as the old lady was testing out her back, She was amazed that all the pain was gone, so she is bending over, twisting from left to right. and the air hostess asked what is going on. And She explained to her that this pastor just came back from Africa, and God told him I have a soar back, and that he should pray for me, and now I am healed. so the air hostess said, actually I have had this shoulder that is kind of hurting, and he prayed for her an she was healed. So both the ladies were excited, and the hostess broadcast on the PA, and said "there is this pastor that just came back from Africa, and wanted to know if there are any people with pain in their body, he could pray for you and get you healed, it just happened to me, and this lady" so there is like an alter call, and people started lining up to get healed"

"Heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the Dead, freely give what you have freely receive" Matthew 10:8

This sounded all really nuts to me at first, but then again awfully wanting to what he says to be true because what makes a Christian any different to the other bloke sitting next to him, we all have to work, we all have family, and we all face the same stuff life throws at you, if you are speaking of higher morals, I know many a good person with great morals, that are not christian, and then I know a lot of Christians who are such hypocrites, and are thieves in disguise. If you are looking for people that does good, there are many atheists, Buddhist, Hindu's that does a much greater job also, not saying that Christians do a bad job at it, but just that they are not alone, or more outstanding.

So this idea of having that divine connection with God was really intriguing, but thought that well this is more in territory for the pastors, and leaders , and spiritually gifted. But for average Joe Christian. is this for us? So this is the prelude to the amazing life that I am now experiencing.

So after this fascinating idea about True Christianity is all about. In our church a few months later there was an occasion that Kevin Dedmon a pastor from Bill's church, came to teach people how to heal the sick. I enrolled for the weekend seminar, the teaching was different to what I grew up with, as a Christian, and to date I would say if I did remember correctly, I would say there were something which I do not agree with. But nevertheless, the truth was we had hands on practicals, which made the doctrines melt away. It was truth, and truth was that we saw results. We were asked to do a treasure hunt, maybe I didn't get it, or my logical brain just jumped in, so I thought the treasure hunt was more a tool to give you the balls to approach someone, and pull a stunt to say let me show you the supernatural. But maybe that was my unrenewed mind. or maybe he needed to do it this way, because we are so stuck in the carnal mind that, any other way, he would have been banded as heretic, or out right nuts. maybe if I went through the things again, I would appreciate it more in a different light. Anyway, The first person I healed was someone with a blocked sinus, yep, no big deal, but the fact that it worked was an eye opener. it was like this, we used the treasure map, and approached someone, asking if there was something wrong with their nose, the person said, yep my nose hurts when I go into the market, as it stinks. So we started praying for her, and she said it was better. on hind sight, it was more out of politeness. But we were thrilled not noticing and started praying for her friend, and as we were praying, she turned to me, and said. NO! Really what did you do, its really Better!. and with that we did a few more cases during the healing conference. and my mind was wrapped. We are touching something, truly amazing, God working through people.

At that moment I was still not  really sure what was happening, and why it was happening. But I know something was happening. and this began my journey into searching for God. Read on. 

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