Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
Mark 7:13
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
Mark 7:13
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ." Col 2:8
ting healed. Much was going through my mind.
1) Is this real?
2) Is this a once off thing?
3) Is this the devil?
The question of is it real? comes, because it is so unreal. I do mean this in a very literal sense. The healing that occurs is so fast, I mean the idea I had previously of God healing ,was like use the doctor's hands, so that operation will be a success, make the medicine work, the body response to the medicine type of a deal. But its almost like there is no real effort. (which is true, and will explain it in future posts). The 1st question that comes in my mind, is wow this might all be "placebo", Its all in the mind, people are hyped up, psychology, physiology, man the mind the body is some intricate stuff, God created everything in very unique ways... so that was the argument in my head. But nevertheless, that changes nothing regarding the fact that the person in front of me, 2 minutes ago has pain, and now he is pain free. He is more surprised than I am, and the responses was not one that they make up, they are as freaked out as me.
is this once off? Along with the lines above, was thinking, "God works in mysterious ways" in his sovereignty, he decides whats best. (Which actually this quote is not even in the bible.) his way are higher than my ways, and his thoughts are higher than my thoughts...da da da. So maybe this preacher is in fact anointed, and God moves when there is an anointed duded around. Praise God! nevertheless! but as I understand further, and you will also find out. NO. this is not some holier or spiritually gifted can do it. All Believers can do it! But it will take too long to write in this post, so will post that in another. (if you are Christian, you are anointed, yep 100% of us, including the drug addict, vigilante thief who just believed in Jesus 2 seconds ago. He has got it inside of him, and can do the same stuff Jesus did.
Is it of the devil? The reason I say this is, I have never seen God does things like this, (Actually I don't think I have seen God do anything.) watching TV, listening to the preacher, man if there is something supernatural, this might all be the devil's work to trick us! After all he is the liar, and deceiver of all. If in your mind, like I was, thinks the devil can do all this, when you think deeper, its really a deception from the devil. He gets all the credits for supernatural stuff, curses, witch craft, voodoo, possession, there is so much promotion of the dark power, that we intuitively think that any supernatural stuff is their territory, and as such we are afraid that anything supernatural is bad.
I later found out how the devil has got us all so entangled with his paper tigers.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Ok apart from the innate thinking that something supernatural might most probably come from the evil one. The teaching that was taught did raise some flags for me, coming from a traditional church bought up. Kevin Dedmon mentioned about, going after the anointing of previous christian's who had a healing ministry. So on the night, I recall him saying something along the line that he had or has the anointing of Lonnie Frisbee, and he was going to pass that out to us. I actually do not have too much of a revelation as to if this carries any weight, biblical or if its right or not. The guy at that time did it out of love, and probably genuinely believes that it was helpful. But it raised red flags for me, so I went online quickly to search out on both Dedmon, Lonnie, and if all this healing stuff was infact heresy in nature.
And this is when I stumbled upon my internet healing mentor. Brandon Lee, and his blog "I am a Spirit". I read his articles with great interest, its a real page turner, (if that can be said to a blog.) He went through his healing experience and journey. which was also the inspirations as to why I am naming these articles the Journey also. Originally I saw some video of this kid leading people out to pray for the sick, I did not connect at first that the kid on the youtube link was this brandon lee himself! I mean he was like 18-19! how does a kid become this super spiritual anointed man of God! This can't be RIGHT! (you see I had this preconception that, it was some holy man of God, gifted in healing....which you will find out, is such deceptive lies of the enermy)
So watching his stuff, he addressed some of the misconception that I had, fears, and also some parts about why its not about the anointing of someone. If you guys are wanting to walk through the discovery of how healing is for every believer, Brandon's blog is a fantastic start, if you want to experience the excitement, the trails, the challenges, and the reality of what it looks like being a ACTS like christian. IT will so twist your christian world that, it breaks you for the amazing Gift that God has for you!
Brandon has been a little off the scene now on the healing, but since his time, there are now so much more people out there that knows how to do this. But as you become aware of our authority in Christ,, your Christian world, will be come a whole lot more exciting. not because you can heal, but because you will most probably understand the Father in such a different way. after you undertstand authority, the real good stuff is still to come, when you know your identity! The devil is so scared . when he knows you know what you know.
Okay guys ready for the best part of this message??
There is an actual 19 part teaching that teaches you all the reasoning and the practical way to do this.
Curry Blake DHT. If anyone who wants to know how to heal the sick, this must be the most influential videos or mp3 you can and have to get. the 19 hr tape set, I went through in slightly less than 2 days. If reading is not your thing, these video's or MP3, will change your life .I have actually re-listened to the tapes twice. Much of my mind is renewed since I first heard it, and I do pick up a lot more on the second go.
It deals with your Sacred Cows. meaning you have been drinking the kool aid, and has believes systems that you have in place that you have just taken as truth, but have not studied it, or thought it through. The revelations in healing, leads much deeper, as it changed my perception of God. I am so thankful for good teachers that teaches the truth. If you feel Christianity kind of sux, or is no different to any other religion or world views. You have to read on... unless you feel your life is so good that you don't even know how it can ever get better, you have not known what following Jesus truly means. If you do not understand why some dude would say " Lets celebrate Jesus!" with absolute passion and breaks out dancing and praising God you do not know what following Jesus truly means. If you have been a christian for all your life, and its a disappointment, I am sorry for you, because, I would venture to say, yep yo are probably right, you have not known what following Jesus truly means! But don't let your history stop you. Life is going to get a whole lot more exciting! Read on!
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